These Terms of Service (“Terms”), along with our Privacy Policy, constitute a legal agreement between you and Primlect, Inc. and its affiliated entities. These Terms apply to the use of www.primlect.com (the “Website”) and the products, applications, devices, and associated firmware, as well as any other services or content offered by Primlect (collectively referred to as the “Services”).

By purchasing, accessing, installing, downloading, interacting with, or using our Services, you indicate that you have read, understand, and agree to be bound by these Terms. If you disagree, you must cease accessing or using the Services.

Intellectual Property

“Primlect Content” encompasses websites, software, designs, text, art, graphics, images, data, user interfaces, logos, trademarks, software, source code, object code, look and feel, and information or other materials available through the Services. The Services and Primlect Content are protected by copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, and other applicable laws. Primlect and its licensors exclusively own all rights to the Services and Content. Unauthorized use may violate laws related to copyright, trademark, privacy, publicity, and communications.

Changes to the Terms of Use Agreement

Primlect reserves the right to modify these Terms at its discretion. Your continued use of the Services after such changes constitutes acceptance of any modifications. Check these Terms periodically for updates.


Your use of the Services implies agreement with our Privacy Policy. User Data provided by you will be used in accordance with the terms of our Privacy Policy. Third-party links are provided for convenience, and we are not responsible for their content or actions.

Electronic Communication

Communication through our Website, App, or other electronic media is considered electronic communication. You agree that all electronic communication provided by us is equivalent to written communication.

Compliance with the Law

You agree to comply with all applicable local laws related to your use of the website, including those concerning the import/export of technical data transmitted online.

Acceptable Use

You agree not to:

Abuse, defame, harass, stalk, or harm others.
Violate intellectual property rights, privacy, publicity, or legal rights.
Transmit viruses, worms, or harmful files.
Submit unsolicited advertising or commercial communications.
Impersonate any person or entity.
Disrupt others' use of the Services.
Content Storage

Primlect holds no responsibility for the deletion or failure to store User Content.

Promotional Offer

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