Shipping Policy

Q: Are there any shipping fees?

A: We provide FREE Standard Shipping on all orders.

Q: How long will it take for my order to arrive?

A:We can only ship within the continental U.S. at this time. We do not ship to Hawaii, Alaska, Puerto Rico or Canada.

After placing an order, we will process it within one business day, and the items will be shipped within 1-3 business days after the order is placed.

Please note: Business days are Monday through Friday. We are closed on the Weekends and on Holidays. Orders placed on Fridays or over the Weekend ship out on Monday, which is our next open business day. If there is a Holiday, your order will ship out the next open business day.

The product will be delivered within 7-11 days after you place your order.


Q: Can I track my order?

A: Yes, tracking information will be provided once your order has been shipped. You can track your order using the provided tracking number.